Chasing the Sun

A few years ago, I bought one-way tickets to Costa Rica for my wife, three children and myself. The next ten months were spent traversing around the globe.

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About three months into our adventure, we realized that we were “chasing the sun.” Our path kept us almost perpetually in spring or summer weather – bathing us in the warm glow and wonderful temperatures that brings. Our joke was that we were hiding from the bitter cold and I, fond of shorts, rarely had to unfold my one and only pair of long pants.

Van Driving in Desert

However, the trip and the thought of “chasing the sun” subtlety become something much bigger than our world adventure. We, the five-year-old, the ten-year old’s and the adults, were changing our perspective and challenging what we thought was true. Using the sun’s light to shine a beacon onto a bold, new narrative for our lives.

That is exactly what we are doing at Alleon Group. Uncovering possibilities, shining new light onto situations and possibilities. Using our expertise to look at everyday problems from a different angle and challenge the traditional methods. Creating a new narrative for our clients.

Join us as we discover all of this – and have a bit of fun along the way.

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Picture of Courtney Allen
Courtney Allen

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